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ReferencesThe ORTEP-A has published the data as presented in this document in 1997. The review has been prepared by the following ORTEP members:
[1] Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of Mono-and Disubstituted Methyl-, Butyl-, Octyl-, and Dodecyltin Compounds � K.H. Summer, D. Klein, H. Grelm � GSF Forschungazentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit � August 1996. (Only available for authorities.) [2] Ciba-Geigy/Schering AG, Two-generation Reproduction Toxicity Study of MOTTG/DOTTG in Rats by Administration in the Diet, LPT-report No. 6247/1/91, June 1996. [3] Synoptic Document N° 7 � Draft of provisional list of monomiers and additives used in the manufacture of plastics and coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs � Scientific Committee for Food � Commissions of the European Communities � DG III. [4] TNO Nutrition and Food Research � Determination of the overall and specific migration from an A4-film � Project N° 815532 � Analytical report N° 1-5 � June 1995. [5] Maguire, R.J. � Aquatic Environmental Aspects of Non-Pesticidal Organotin Compounds � Water Poll. Res. J. Canada 26, 243-360, 1991. [6] Jewett K.L. Brinckman F.E. � Speciation of Trace Di- and Triorganotins in Water by Ion-Exchange HPLC-GFAA � J. Chromatogr. Sci. 19, 583-593 � 1981. [7] U.S. E.P.A. (1983) Federal Register 48:51361-61366. [8] Maguire R.J. � National Water Research Institute � Burlington, Ontario, Canada � Letter to Drs. J.A. Jonker � 17-09-1992. [9] Fent K., � Organotins in Municipal Waste Water and Sewage Sludge. In Organotins: Fate and Effects in the Environment � M.A. Champ, P.F. Seligman, eds. � Elsevier Publ., Amsterdam � 1991. [10] Fent K., Muller M.D. (1991), Occurrence of Organotins in Municipal Waste Water and Sewage Sludge and Behavior in a Treatment Plant. Environ. Sci. Technol. 25, 489-493. [11] Norin H., Boren H. � Organiska Tennföreninger rötslam från några svenska reningsverk � IVL � Rapport. [12] Press W., Länge R. � Letter of ORTEP to KEMI � 08-05-1996. [13] Dietz G.R., Banger, J.D., Miller E.M. � Water extraction of Additives from PVC Pipes � J. of Vinyl Technology � Vol 1, N° 3 � Sept. 1970. [14] NSF International (1993), communication to Morton International. [15] Wu W., Roberts R.S., Chang Y.C., Ernst W.R., Havlicek S.C. (1989). The Extraction of Organotin Compounds from Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 18; 839-843. [16] Quevauviller P., Brachet A., Donard O.F.X. (1991) Leaching of Organotin Compounds from Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Material. App. Organometallic Chem. 5, 125-129. [17] Boettner E.A., Ball G.L., Hollingworth Z., Aquino R. (1981). Organic and Organotin Compounds Leached from PVC and PVC Pipe. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report EPA-Leco/1-81-082. U.S. E.P.A., Cincinnati, Ohio 45288. [18] Sadiki A., Williams D.T. (1996), Speciation of Organotin and Organolead Compounds in Drinking Water by Gas Chromatography � Atomic Emission Spectrometry. Chemosphere V. 32, N° 10, 1983-1992 (1996). [19] Ciba-Geigy Ltd. Report on the Test for Ready Biodegradability in the Modified Sturm Test of Irgastab T 265. Test No.: 928287. 18.9.1992. [20] Waldock M.J., Thain J.E., Smith D., Milton S., The degradation of TBT in estuarine sediments. Proc. 3rd Intern. Organotin Symposium, Monaco, 17.-20.04.1990. [21] Walsh G.E., McLaughlan L.L., Lores E.M., Louie M.K., Deans C.H. (1985). Effects of Organotins on Growth and Survival of Two Marine Diatoms, Skeletonema Costatum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. Chemosphere 14, 383-392. [22] Wilbury T.R., Acute Toxicity of Monomethyltin Trichloride to the Marine Alga, Skeletonems costatum. Study No. 997-MO. 12.3.1996. [23] Wilbury T.R., Acuty Toxicity of Dimethyltin Dichloride to the Marine Alga, Skeletonema costatum. Study No. 998-MO. 12.3.1996. . [24] Acima A.G. Acute Toxicity to Daphnia, Daphnia Magna, Acute Immobilisation Test. Test Substance: Monobutyltin Trichloride. Code Nr. D9215.7.6.1992. [25] Vighi M., Calamari D. (1985). QSARs for Organotin Compounds on Daphnia magna. Chemosphere 14, 1925-1932. [26] Analytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc. Acute Toxicity of Dibutyltin Dichloride to Daphnia Magna. Report #38309. 6.6.1990. [25] Thorn R.M., Karle L.M., Word J.Q., Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Statistic Acute 48-Hour Toxicity Test of Dibutyltin Dichloride (DBTD) to Oyster Larvae. BNW No.: 12716. 7.2.1991. [28] Acima A.G. Akute Bakterlentoxizitat. Zellvermehrungshemmtest mit Pseudomonas Putida. Testsubstanz: Monooclyizinntrichlorid. 27.2.1985. [29] Acima A.G. Akute Bakterlentoxizitat. Zellvermehrungshemmtest mit Pseudomonas Putida. Testsubstanz: Monooctylzinntris (thioglykolsäure-2-ethylhexylester). 11.3.1995. [30] Steinhäuser K.G., Amann W., Spath A., Polenz A. (1985). Untersuchungen zur aquatischen Toxizhälzinnorganischer Verbindungen. Vom Wasser 65, 203-214. [31] Ciba-Geigy Ltd. Report on the Test for Acute Toxicity of TK 11339 to Daphnia magna. Project No.: 884190. 14.3.1988. [32] ACIMA A.G., Acute Toxicity to Daphnia. Daphnia magna, Acute Immobilisation Test. Test substance: Dioctyltindichloride. 29.3.1992. [33] Ciba-Geigy Ltd. Report on the Test for Acute Toxicity of TK 10975 to Daphnia magna. Project No.: 804105. 17.3.1988. [34] Wilbury T.R., Acute Toxicity of Mixed Methyltin Chlorides to the Earthworm, Eisenia foetida. Study No. 860-MO. 15.12.1995. [35] Wilbury T.R., Acute Toxicity of Alkyltin MA to the Earthworm, Eisenia foetida. Study No. 867-MO. 5.1.1996. [36] Wilbury T.R., Acute Toxicity of Alkyltin ME to the Earthworm, Eisenia foetida. Study No. 874-MO. 30.11.1995. [37] Janus, J.A., Rikken M.G.J. � Ecotoxicologische Beoordeling van Tin als Alternatief voor Vislood. RIVM, Reportz no. 96/601503/001, Billthoven, April 1996. [38] European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals, Environmental Assessment of Substances, Technical Report #51, January 1993. [39] Maguire R.J., Long G., Meek M.E., Savard S. � Canadian Environmental Protection Act Priority Substances List Assessment Report � Non-Pesticidal Organotin Compounds � Department of the Environment, Commercial Chemical Evaluation Branch, Ottawa, Ont. K1AOH3, Canada. [40] Tötsch W., Gaenssle H., Polyvinylchlorid; zur Umweltrelevanz eines Standardkunstsoffes � Verla TÜV Rheinland, 1990. |
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